My meditations begin with the cord of golden light from my base chakra to the center of Earth. In this meditation, as in my last 3 or 4, I have begun to see double, two earths. If you wear glasses, it’s like when you take your glasses off and you see double, a little blurry There is one Earth and a slice of another Earth just beside it. The first one is in blue and green light, the second in pink and golden/white light. The first Earth feels heavy and used up, the second Earth feels lighter with new beginnings unfolding.
Messages I received. People really need to follow their own inner guidance. Everything outside (ie: the media) is false, run by beings of a false narrative. It’s the end of such beings. Please step into self aware Beingness. It has come to a head. Those not ready will take some time to get there and will almost have to start from the beginning and be treated as infants. People must be given tools to trust their own true authentic guidance, not engulfed by fear that comes from the outside or constructs that have been put upon them. Time to break free from all of this. This is the path to elevation, your own individual elevation, at your pace. But you are being offered a “fast track” pass at this time. Those who are unable to take this pass will be left behind in their realities that they have created. Those following their inner guidance, stripped of fear and outside influence will move into new states of Beingness and will attract to them what they need for their own advancement and journey. They will still be “here” but experiencing or drawing experiences to them that will match their new higher vibration. For those in this new year, we wish that all individuals are open to this awareness and step into their TRUE Beingness. Break open to full awareness of truth of all there is. This time is when those who are “there” will be “sling shotted” forward. We would love to see that everyone takes advantage of this time, it is special. Almost like you getting a free pass to the fast track! All this going on was meant to make that more difficult, to make your option of moving forward blurry or to create a distraction from this opportunity. A last ditch effort, a final “Hail Mary throw” from those living in false modus operandi. If you have already questioned all that is going on, if you just recently started questioning what the past jabs have really done with the onslaught of Omicron, “Did they (jabs) really help?” “will the booster really have any bearing now?” If you are asking, “Why did we even get it (the Jab)?” You are breaking through and beginning the “fast track pass.” If not, you will spend some more time in this externally created false reality. If you are there and those you love are not, you are just on a faster track, and they will have to take their own path. You can co-exist physically, but you will be drawing to you, upgraded realities while still being there for those not yet there. You are no better than them, just at a different pace for your specific track/journey. You will still be there for your loved ones, but you will experience a shift in how you deal with this external bombardment. An inward shift, and that is fine and that is good. You are a light, a beacon for them. The “wakes” you have created in consciousness will ripple to them. 2022 Welcome to the elevated consciousness. Your guides are here to fast track you to your elevated Beingness in this new year so that you realize your truth as Beingness. Connect with your loved ones and guides in Beingness who are here to help elevate you beyond false illusion and into love. Discard any connections to untruth, to identity of that which is not so, move from dis-ease into truth, love and infinite mind. Your guides are here to love and support you.
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