Beginning meditation connecting to the center of the Earth for grounding. I continue to see a group of guides surrounding this new Earth in a large circle, hands connected as if they are combining all their energy to focus it towards the Earth. They seem to be straining now, whereas before, they were calm about it. Here is what came through today... Big life events are coming (for humanity) and needed to catapult humanity into this new Earth energy. Stay focused. Stay connected. If you have yet to take a stab at connecting with your guides and intuition, now is the time to do so. (It is imperative for all of us to follow our intuition and our guides at this time.) It's a moment for unfolding truths and you must really be able to connect with your innate conscious self and NOT to what has been thrown at you as truth from individuals who are not connected and who have veered far off from their souls knowledge innate truth of divine conscious beingness. They have caused mass distraction from truth of that which is so, and and in this spiral, are trying to take others with them. Please know there is another side to all of this, meaning another side to come out on, or through, and it will be this new Earth of awareness of infinite beingness in the vision of divine consciousness that is at the essence of your beingness. That is the truth and is the only thing that can exist., all else is false.These falsities will drift away or transmute to their truth. Remember, you are souls of infinite beingness perfect and complete. It is essential we all connect to this. You can do this through meditation, automatic writing and grounding exercises. We urge you to start now. (We are suggesting you start now.) This connection with your intuition, your guides and your heart will help you through the tumult. We love and support you. All our love. What seems to be presented to me over and over these past few months is the revealing of truth and the importance of connection to your intuition and your guides who are supporting you. Please book a reading with me if you would like to discover who is with you and begin the process of connecting with your guides. Love and thanks!